"선생님 아이아빠에요.
오늘 (우도여행 후) 집에 돌아오자마자 아이가 현관에 뛰어와서 오늘 정말정말 재미있었다고 어찌나 자랑을 하는지...
제가 그림책 때문에 코루를 검색한지 7년째 되는데, 제 인생에서 잘한 일중 하나라고 생각해요.
늘 소중하고 고맙게 생각하고 있습니다."
"I'm the dad. My kid was so happy coming home from the trip today. As soon as he got home, he ran in and went on and on, bragging about how fun it had been.
I searched for picture books and found Koru seven years ago and I think that was one of the best things I've done in my life. I appreciate you, always."
"첫 만남을 기억해 보면 행운 같기도 혹은 인연같기도 한 순간이었습니다. 코루라는 환경에 낯설어 하는 아이가 당황스러워 포기하려는 순간 걸려온 전화가 2년이 지난 순간에도 기억나네요. 언어라는 것에만 욕심내지 않고 자연스럽게 다양한 문화를 알려주는 공간과 선생님이 우리 근처에 있다는게 참 다행입니다!”
Remembering the first visit, it feels like a lucky or fateful moment. My kid in the unfamiliar environment was feeling shy and when we were about to give up, you gave me a phone call. I still remember it after two years have gone by. We feel very fortunate to have a space and teachers near us that share diverse cultures naturally and English without too much pressure on the children.”
“저는 아직도 코루에 갔던 첫 날. 한창 호기심이 넘쳐나던 1학년 아이가 코루의 이것저것을 만지고 돌아다니고.
그런 아이를 보던 선생님의 흔들리던 동공을 잊을수가 없어요 ㅎ ㅎ
1년간 기다려 2학년에 아이를 코루에 보내면서도 여기는 조용하고 책읽는 걸 좋아하는 아이들만 가는것 같은데 내가 잘보내고 있는건가 고민도 많이 했었어요. 코루한테 너무 감사한건 고집하는 교육 철학이 있으시겠지만 다양한 아이들 만큼 다양한 시선으로 유연하게 봐주시고 앞서가지 않고 아이들 속도에 맞춰 기다려 주신 것.
덕분에 이만큼 자랐어요. 많이 감사합니다.”
“On our first visit to Koru, my curious 1st grade son was messing around touching things and I remember your nervous eyes, ha ha. After waiting another year and sending him from 2nd grade, I still questioned myself if I was doing the right thing, wondering what if this place was only for quiet kids who like to read. What I appreciate the most is that you have your own educational philosophy, but you keep a flexible mind to accept diverse types of children, walking along with them instead of walking ahead of them, and waiting for them. Because of you, my child has grown this much. I thank you very much for that.”
"일곱살 여름, 코루의 오만가지를 들여다보고 만져보던 개구장이가 어느덧 초등학교 졸업을 앞두고 있네요. 선생님만 괜찮으시다면 계속계속 코루와 함께하고 싶어요! ...
아이의 성장과정에 코루가 얼마나 많은 긍정적인 영향을 주었는지 몰라요~ 늘 든든하고 감사해요!"
"The mischievous seven-year-old boy who was touching all kinds of stuff at Koru is already graduating elementary school. If you are okay, we would love to be with Koru on and on! You have no idea how much positive impact Koru has had on our son's growth. We're always thankful."
"영어 뿐만 아니라 편견없이 다른 문화, 나와 다른 사람을 받아들이는 태도. 나를 들여다보는 방법.. 너무나 소중한 것을 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다. 모두 쉽게 배울 수 없는 귀한 것들이네요 💎
아이도 저도 많이 배우고 자라서 올라갑니다. 감사합니다."
“Thank you so much for teaching not only English but such precious things as how to accept other cultures and people that are different from mine and how to reflect on myself. All those teachings are not easy things to be learnt anywhere, yet so valuable. My child and I have learned and grown so much. Thank you.”
"코루에서만 맡을 수 있는 향기와 감성.
정의를 내릴 순 없지만
그 안에 향기가 있고 자유로운 느낌.
선생님의 기운으로~~ 쭉 나아가는 코루가 되길 바라고 원합니다!!"
“The scent and sentiment you can feel only at Koru. It cannot be defined, but there is a fragrance and a feeling of freedom.
I hope and want Koru to go forth with your good energy.”
“이런 그림책들을 우리 클때 읽어보기나 했나요. 다 전래동화, 권선징악.. 그런 내용이었죠.
영어도 영어지만 여기서 그림책 보면서 나의 내면이 자라요.”
“We didn’t get to read these types of picture books growing up. Most of them were folktales and good guy/bad guy stories. Not just English, my inner side grows here reading picture books.”
"아이가 코루에서 배우는 것이 엄청 재밌다며 자긴 행운이라 했어요. 재미있게 영어를 접할 수 있다며 .. 아이가 영어를 즐겁게 느껴 다행입니다."
"My daughter says that learning at Koru is so much fun and she's lucky. She says she can have fun in English. I'm glad she can enjoy English."
"I think you should know that you gave me a window to diversity. You make me better person than before. I always appreciate about it, you know that. You’re doing great job. Just I want you to know. Thank you, always."

Book Donors
These are the people who have donated books to KORU.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts.
Adrienne Mansanares-Weiss Family, USA
Michelle Fugli, USA
Nadine Kerstetter, USA
Yoko Uozumi Otsuka, New Zealand
Hakjoo Hwang, Jeju, Korea
Su-chin Monica Huang, Taiwan
Eunhae Jung, Korea
Monica K. Morgan Musick Family, USA
Hongsiya, Korea
Hyori Lee, Korea
Chaeyoung Bang Family, Korea
Minyoung Lee, Korea
Uni Choi, Korea
Dongsook Choi, Korea
Jieun Kim, Korea
Jiyu Kim Family, Korea
Hwanhee Jung, Hannah Jung Family, Korea
Taewook Jin, Sungho Jin Family, Korea
Ahyoung Han, Korea
Boomi Choi, Korea
Yoonhee Kim, Korea
Seungbum Ko Family, Korea
Rosa Cho, Korea
Jungeun Park Family, Korea
Sungyung Boo Family, Korea
Kimi Kim, Korea
Bokyung Park, Korea
Mieko Takahashi, Korea
Donghwi Ko Family, Korea
Lena Barton Peters, USA
Sohee Im, Korea
Sangwook Kim, Korea
Youngeun Kim, Korea
Sunmi Yoon, Korea
Kaylor Family, USA
Brent and Michelle Belden, USA
Uchman Family, USA
Yoon Park Family, Korea
Karen Cook, USA
Eundeuk Kim & Hayeon Shin, USA
Laura Bidner, USA
Hyein Shin family, Korea